John had to go to the check out counter to pay for it and have it wrapped. I told him that I would go to the hardware department and try and find the right size hooks that we needed for the truck. I told him to meet me there and he agreed. I found the hooks in a matter of seconds and looked about for John. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. I went up one aisle, down the next, no luck. The salesman, who sold us the tarpolin, came up to me and said, "Are you look- ing for your husband." I told him I was and he in- formed me that he went to the back of the store to get a catalogue. I thanked him and started towards the esculator. As I was half way up to the street floor, I saw him. I called out and told him to meet me on the street floor. When I first discovered that John wasn't around me, I thought maybe he didn't want to be seen with me, but actually, he was so used to me as a woman, he hadn't given a thought that I might be uneasy alone.
By this time we thought the trailer should be about ready so we drove slowly to the garage. Of course it wasn't ready and wouldn't be for at least another two hours. Jean and I went into the trailer and discussed the trip in general and the past few hours in particular. We wrote a few post cards and cleaned a few dirty corners. Jean spent a little more time on my hair and freshened up a bit. I really was enjoying my role of a woman. John stayed with the workman and tried to speed things up a bit. Fin- ally, about 6 PM., they finished putting the last spring on and John hooked the trailer up to the truck. I pulled the rig out of the way and waited until the bill was paid. John isn't one to hurry, so I walked towards the main street in order to mail our cards. After waiting for the signal to change, I walked across the street and was reaching for the mail slot, when a man opened it for me. I thanked him and got a leer back that made me feel very un- comfortable. I've had men take an interest in my looks before but never had any look at me with such undisguised lust. I was quite thankfull for the day-